QUALIFICATIONS BA, DipLang, JD (Melb); BCL (Dist) (Oxon)
ADMITTED 2017 BAR 2021
CLERK CONTACT 03 9225 7999
PHONE 9225 6527
MOBILE 0422 011 732
EMAIL mqnguyen@vicbar.com.au
LOTE German
ENQUIRIES: dever@vicbar.com.au
Minh-Quan practises mainly in public and commercial law.
Minh-Quan has been briefed to appear in a wide range of appellate and first instance matters and to advise on issues in public law, commercial and regulatory law, equity and torts.
Before coming to the Bar, Minh-Quan was the Counsel Assisting the Solicitor‑General for Victoria, an Associate to Chief Justice French and Justice Gordon of the High Court of Australia, and a solicitor in commercial litigation at Arnold Bloch Leibler.
Minh-Quan has a Bachelor of Arts, a Diploma in Languages and a Juris Doctor from the University of Melbourne. He was awarded the university medal for both arts and law. He later obtained a Bachelor of Civil Law with Distinction from the University of Oxford. He has taught constitutional law at the University of Melbourne and Monash University.
Minh-Quan read with Kathleen Foley SC. His senior mentor is Philip Solomon KC.
From 7 May 2021, liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.