ADMITTED 2012 BAR 2022
CHAMBERS William Street Chambers
CLERK CONTACT 03 9225 7999
PHONE 9225 7999
MOBILE 0405 337 234
EMAIL hannah.canham@vicbar.com.au
ENQUIRIES: dever@vicbar.com.au
Hannah practises primarily in public law, including administrative law, regulatory matters, anti-discrimination and criminal law.
Before coming to the Bar, Hannah was an associate to the Hon Justice Stephen Gageler AC at the High Court of Australia (now Chief Justice of Australia). Hannah also worked as a Senior Lawyer in the Appeals and Strategic Litigation team at Victoria Legal Aid, an Associate Public Defender in Victoria Legal Aid Chambers and an associate to the Hon Justice Richard White in the Federal Court of Australia.
Hannah holds a Master of Laws from Columbia Law School and a Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours from the University of Adelaide. She is a reporter for the Commonwealth Law Reports.
Hannah read with Catherine Boston SC. Her senior mentor is Kathleen Foley SC.
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