ADMITTED 2000 BAR 2002
CLERK CONTACT 03 9225 7999
PHONE 9225 8322
EMAIL broadfoot@vicbar.com.au
ENQUIRIES: dever@vicbar.com.au
Andrew Broadfoot took silk in 2016 and appears in, and advises on, trials and appeals in tax, commercial, tort and administrative law. Principally his
clients are involved in the mining, petroleum and financial sectors. Accepts direct briefs from corporate clients.
He has also represented Commonwealth and State government authorities in a variety of matters ranging from taxation appeals, matters concerning statutory
interpretation, "serious injuries" as defined in applicable legislation, judicial review, and securities regulation, to the "Abalone class action"
which concerned liability in negligence for pure economic loss arising from a herpes like virus that killed a large proportion of Victoria's wild abalone
stocks. This was one of the largest class actions to run to judgment in Australia and successfully be defended. Also has experience in energy regulation
including electricity distribution.
He is experienced in dealing with expert evidence and has cross-examined experts practising in numerous disciplines including valuation, science, engineering, economics, medicine, health and safety and accounting.
In the revenue field he is experienced in dealing with transfer pricing related matters, capital/income issues, trust and property law issues, anti-avoidance legislation, research and development claims and application of the petroleum resource rent tax legislation.
Further details and a list of recent cases can be found via the professional profile link above. Connect with Andrew via LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-broadfoot-qc-41b47a2a
From 1 July 2008, Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation